Tuesday, November 4, 2008

First Halloween

Hayley celebrated her first Halloween on Friday night. She was so cute. She had two outfits. Her trick or treat outfit was a little Bumble Bee. We borrowed it from Jennifer and James; it was their daughter's outfit last year. It was so cute. Her other outfit was a little pant and shirt outfit that was orange and black and said "Boo" on the front. Aunt Jill and Uncle Clif sent this to her. She wore this out to dinner after trick or treating. She really enjoyed watching all of the kids in their costumes. She did not care much about the candy, all she wanted to do was toss it out of her bucket onto the street. I spent most of the night picking up behind her and trying to not leave all of the candy in the street.

1 comment:

Mindy Bobe said...

What a pretty little bee! Glad she had a good time!